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Finance Club Events

The Foundations of Wealth: Intro to Asset Managment

Location: Pamplin 31

Date: Wednesday, October 16th at 5:30pm

We will be having speakers to come down and talk about asset managment and all of its applications within finance. This is one of many great opportunities to learn about a career you might have never considered otherwise.

Top of the Stairs Mixer

Location: Top of the Stairs

Date: Thursday, October 24th

Time: 7:00pm

Join Finance Club for our annual TOTS mixer. This is one of our flagship events and is a great chance to expand your network, learn from alumni and professors, and meet peers in a social setting. The Finance Advisory Board will be coming into town to meet new students and reconnect with old friends. Our Advisory Board is made up of some of Pamplin's most successful finance alumni's who give so much back to this school.

Fuel Your Semester: How to Navigate Course Request

Location: NCB 160

Date: Tuesday, November 5th

Time: 6:30pm

With the new semester right around the corner, join the finance club to ensure you are on track to pursue the degree you want. At this meeting we will help you navigate the ins and out of HokieSpa and the route you should take. For those who don't know where to go from here, this is a great event.

Mastering HireVue: A Guide to Virtual Interviews

Location: NCB 160

Date: Tuesday, November 12th

Time: 6:30

HireVues can be ery tricky for those who have never been exposed to them. Their format is odd and talking to a screen doesn't feel natural for most of us. This event aims at helping those who struggle with this format of interviews. HireVues are often the preliminary test to if you will make it to a real interview, so crushing them is pertinent to long term success and job placement.

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